As we build TFL’s chicken breed library for you, I continue to run across some interesting, mysterious, fascinating breeds. The Bandara chicken is one there is very little known about. I could not find any pictures on the internet that I could be certain were true pictures of the bird. I’ll share everything I learned about this mysterious breed.

History of the Bandara Chicken Breed
Class | Unknown/Bangkok? |
Type | Standard – because of purpose? |
Size | Unknown |
Rarity | Apparently Extremely Rare |
Purpose | Meat and Layer |
Recognized Varieties | Unknown |
Over six years were spent on the creation of this breed in Gimmizah and Montazah Poultry Research Stations in Bangkok. This breed is named after “Bandara,” a village that is part of El-Gimmizah Agriculture Research Center.
The White Cornish and Gimmizah were used as the foundation for this breed’s development. Bandara chicks have a recessive white down color.
The origins and elusiveness of this breed are strikingly similar to that of the Baheij chicken breed.
Breed Features
Adult birds are white in color, with a very pale yellow beak, shanks, and skin. The duplex comb and red ear lobes of this breed are characteristic.
They are said to have been bred for meat and eggs but I could not determine how much they weigh or the number of eggs they lay.
I was able to find out they lay large white eggs.
Egg Laying | Unknown |
Egg Color | White |
Egg Size | Large |
What is a duplex Comb?
Comb Type | Duplex |
Crested | Unknown |
Feathered Legs | No |
Numbers of Toes | Unknown |
The simple explanation is that it’s a genetic mutation that can be bred into a flock. I have to confess, I’m not sure why you would want to. The best information I could find did not satisfy my mind or imagination as I could not find any clear pictures of the combe to share with you.
The nine recognized types of chicken combs are buttercup, carnation, cushion, pea, rose, single, strawberry, V, and walnut.
The domestic chicken has three distinct types of comb: Rose-comb, Pea-comb, and Duplex-comb. V-shaped and Buttercup are the two distinct forms of the Duplex comb.
The duplex comb’s characteristic V-shape and Buttercup are both associated with an unusual duplication of a particular chicken chromosome.
Interestingly a chicken’s comb is a direct reflection of its health. If your chicken is dealing with one of the common diseases of backyard flocks, the comb and wattles are the first places it will show.
The comb is also a direct indication of whether a hen is laying or not. If she is, it will be bright red. If she isn’t it will be dull, pale pink.
Breed Characteristics
Cold Hardiness | Assumed so because of origin location |
Heat Tolerance | Assumed so because of origin location |
Bears Confinement | Unknown |
Docile | Unknown |
Setter/Broody | Unknown |
Personality | Unknown |
As you can see in the chart, there is little known about the characteristics of the breed.
The Bandara chicken breed was developed as a meat bird to help feed the people. It is white with pale yellow skin, beak, shanks, and feet. Its feathers are white, the comb is duplex, and the ears are red.
That’s it. This is all the internet affords us on the Bandara chicken. If you know anything about this breed or have pictures of it, please share in the comments below. I’m very curious to know what it actually looks like.
As always, we’re here to help.

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