If you or a loved one suffers from joint or arthritis pain, you know the value of getting relief. There are many natural remedies for joint pain. As someone who has suffered from this pain since my early 20’s, I’ve learned a few ways to relieve joint pain naturally. Let me share my top 5 ways to alleviate your pain. Plus a bonus method we’ve just discovered.

Did you know, it’s estimated over one-third of the American population is affected by some joint or arthritis pain? That’s more than 100 million people!
Joint and arthritis pain have known and unknown causes. One of the major causes in American society is a sedentary lifestyle, general lack of regular, light exercise, and our heavily contaminated food supply.
To Relieve Joint Pain Naturally
We must first Start with the Causes of Joint Pain
Some people develop joint pain or arthritis after an injury. Sometimes, there is a hereditary factor involved. It doesn’t matter if the pain is a result of stress, lack of exercise, emotional disturbances, over-exercise (yes, there is such a thing), injury, or heredity, the reason for the pain is inflammation in the body.
Inflammation in the body is a silent, deadly culprit. Inflammation damages the body by causing blood vessels to be constricted which causes fluids to be out of balance. It also causes lymph vessels to become congested resulting in the buildup of toxins in the joints and muscles, all of this results in pain. The pain can range from annoying to debilitating.
The damage caused by inflammation causes the body to produce scar tissue. Scar tissue makes the affected joints stiff and painful. During exercise or even just range of motion, Scar tissue can be ripped or torn causing the vicious cycle to start over again.
We can’t expect a natural remedy to provide the same result for everyone. Arthritis is a complicated condition. Yet, for those who may be helped by learning how to relieve joint pain naturally, it’s worth a try.
Many years ago, we adopted a horse who was rescued after Hurricane Katrina. She was a 2-year-old Percheron we named Buffy. She was traumatized because of what she went through during and in the week after Katrina
To make a long story short, she bucked me off cracking my pelvis, my hips were dislocated more than once, and I now sport what we lovingly call my “Buffy finger” which is crooked after it was broken, twice. This compounded arthritis damage I already had because of my family history. This means that every day, I or someone in my family needs to relieve joint pain naturally.

Turmeric – my personal preference
Turmeric helps support cartilage which protects the ends of bones and the joints. It’s known to help lubricate the joints and to support the natural production of collagen and elastin in muscles and joints. This is important because these are often taken over by fibrous tissue which is part of the pain we feel.
There are many ways to add turmeric to your diet. When you use turmeric, it is important to add a little black pepper to the recipe because it allows the body to utilize the turmeric.
My personal favorite is to add a teaspoon of powdered turmeric to my coffee with a little raw milk or to add a teaspoon to my morning smoothie. Turmeric tea can be made in so many ways. It’s easily customizable to your tastes and preferences. Here are my favorite recipes for turmeric tea.
Basic Turmeric tea:
- 2 cups of water
- tea bag or loose tea of your choosing
- 1 teaspoon powdered turmeric
- Dash black pepper
- ¼ – ½ teaspoon ginger powder
- Sweetener of choice (I use raw, organic honey if I use any)
- Heat water to boiling
- Add turmeric, black pepper, and ginger
- Reduce the heat and let the mixture simmer for around 10 minutes.
- Remove from the heat and pour over tea bag or infuser (I use loose Earl Grey)
- Let steep for 5 minutes, sweeten, and enjoy
Turmeric Milk
- 1 cup milk of your choice (coconut, almond, cow, goat…)
- 1 teaspoon powdered turmeric
- Dash black pepper
- ¼ – ½ teaspoon ginger powder
- 1 – 1 ½ teaspoon of honey or sweetener of your choice
- In a pan, gently warm the milk but do not boil
- Add the turmeric, black pepper, and ginger stirring until mixed in well.
- Pour into your cup and add sweetener (I don’t use one for this recipe)
Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. There are many ginger tea benefits and it’s easy to make. I like to combine it with turmeric for a boost to relieving joint pain naturally. Those who suffer from chronic inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid or osteoarthritis will find this is beneficial. It is powerful at reducing inflammation throughout the whole body.
Ginger-Turmeric Tea
- 4 cups water
- 4 – 1” slices of fresh or dehydrated ginger or 1 tbsp powdered ginger
- 1 tbsp powdered turmeric
- ½ teaspoon black pepper
- Sweetener of choice
- Add fresh or dehydrated ginger to water
- Bring to a gentle boil and let boil gently for 8-10 minutes
- Strain into a cup and add turmeric and pepper mixing well
- Sweeten to taste
Cayenne Pepper
I once knew a preacher who was almost 80, we think. He wasn’t sure! He was energetic and would challenge the young men of the church to a contest to do “the wheel”. This is an exercise device used to work the abs. I never saw a younger man beat him!
I asked him what kept him so fit, “Cayenne pepper, yep, yep, that’s what it is, cayenne pepper.” He took cayenne pepper in capsule form before every meal, he had it in a glass of water every morning, and I have seen him take a teaspoonful when he “wasn’t feeling quite right.” Now, I’m not recommending this to anyone, I’m just sharing the story of Bro. Hughes, a Tennessee mountain preacher who has now gone on to heaven.
Of course, capsicum is responsible for the effects felt by those who use cayenne pepper. It’s known to be effective in reducing the pain of osteoarthritis. It’s pretty accepted the hotter the pepper, the higher the capsicum content, but I wouldn’t recommend your setting about taste testing that idea!
Besides capsules, teas, and powders, you can also get or make your own capsicum salves. BE SURE to wear protective gloves whenever you work with hot peppers, trust me I learned the hard way. You may want to test this on a small area first to be sure it isn’t too much for sensitive skin. Do Not use it on children.
Capsicum Salve
- Mix ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper powder with one cup coconut oil or aloe vera gel.
- Apply the rub to the affected area (remember to use gloves for mixing and applying).
- If you have left overs, store in a container with a lid.
- Do not use this salve on you face – especially around the eyes, nose or mouth.

Magnesium – Epsom salts
Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant. It’s also a necessary nutrient for maintaining healthy muscles, including the heart. Magnesium rich foods should be an essential part of everyone’s diet, but especially those of us who suffer from joint and arthritis pain. Some foods rich in magnesium are blackstrap molasses which I use for iron as well, nuts, beans, and dark leafy greens like spinach,
The benefits of Epsom salt, magnesium sulfate, are tried and true from days of old. One way it helps with pain is by drawing excess fluids away from tissues which reduces swelling.
My favorite Epsom salt soak:
- Add one cup Epsom salt to your tub.
- Start water and stir the salt until dissolved.
- Get the water as warm as you can stand it.
- Add 15-20 drops of eucalyptus oil,
- 15 – 20 drops of tea tree oil,
- 10- 15 drops of rosemary oil, and
- 10-15 drops of lavender oil.
Soak for at least 15 minutes or until the water is too cool for you. Do this at least three times a week for chronic pain.
It’s not recommended to do it more than 4 or 5 times a week. If you are a diabetic, have serious heart conditions, or have unmanaged high blood pressure, don’t try this without first seeking your doctor’s advice.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Raw, organic apple cider vinegar is something I am never without. I use Fairchild’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother because it is the only one I can find that is not diluted with water. It’s at a whopping 25% acidity.
There are so many uses and benefits to this jewel, I wrote a book about how we use it from house to stable!
- Every morning, the first thing we drink is a 10-ounce glass of cool water with 2 teaspoonfuls of ACV mixed in. It’s the perfect way to break the fast of the night. ACV drink jump-starts the metabolism and restores electrolyte balance.
- For those suffering from joint and muscle pain, drinking this mixture 3 times a day is helpful. I’ve read of some people who take it straight by the tablespoonful, but I’m not one of them.
- You can place ACV on a cotton ball and rub it directly on the affected area. I’ve tried this and it works for us. When my husband had shingles, they immediately dried up and stopped hurting when we added raw, organic ACV and lavender oil to a cotton ball and applied it.
Old-timers sware by mixing ACV with honey. They say when a tablespoon of ACV is mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of water “you’re instantly revived to go back to the field or barn and get the job done.” I must admit, it does energize and restore those afternoon droops.
Bonus Method
We were recently introduced to CBD Cream by Joy Organics. As a retired nurse, I was aware of the benefits of CBD oil. We decided to try the cream for our hands, my right knee, and our necks.
I injured my right knee in the first year of orthopedic nursing over 25 years ago. I still have pain in it from time to time especially if I’ve been doing a lot of bending in the garden.
We found the pain subsided within just a few minutes of applying it. It will be in our medicine cabinet from now on.
I hope you find some help from one or all of these ways to relieve joint pain naturally.
You can read more natural, healthy living articles here.
Remember, I am not offering you medical advice. I am only sharing what works for my family and me. Please consult your physician for treatments, medicines, and diagnosis.

some I have heard of. but very interesting article.I will try these as my pain sometimes is more then I can bare,
I’m sorry to hear you suffer with pain, Nancy. I hope you find some help in these remedies. I know they help me. Take care.