Turkey leftovers? Naturally, they’re a part of the post-feast scene! Beyond just the generous helping of leftover turkey meat, there’s the carcass to reckon with. You might wonder, “How on earth do I use all of the leftover turkey?” Well, I’m glad you asked, because I’ve got four fantastic ways to ensure that none of your leftover turkey goes to waste. Let’s start using it up now!

4 Ways To Use All Of Your Leftover Turkey
Make Turkey Bone Broth
As soon as lunch has settled and most everyone is napping, I take the meat off the bone. I put some of that in the refrigerator for later that evening. Then I take everything else, every shred of turkey carcass left, including the liquid in the bottom of the pan, and put it in the InstantPot on slow-cooker. You could use your crockpot as well.
- Let it cook for at least 24 hours.
- Then let it cool for an hour or so.
- Drain everything through a colander into a heat-proof bowl.
- Once you’ve strained it, you can add any meat left to what’s already in the refrigerator. The bones get discarded (unless you have hogs).
- I divide the broth into freezer-proof bowls. These bowls are just the size I want for broth base in soups later on. I freeze the broth in the bowls. When they’re frozen solid, usually 6-8 hours later, take the frozen cubes of broth out of the bowls and put them in freezer bags.
- Canning your homemade broth is a great option too. It’s especially important to consider if you are trying to not be dependent on the grid for your food preservation.
When you’re ready to make soup, pop one of your broth cubes in the pot as your base. You’ll have a rich, nutritious, flavorful broth base.
Leftover Turkey Sandwich
On the second day we have our favorite leftover turkey sandwich. It’s made with homemade sourdough bread and homemade mayo.
Then there’s the fabulous turkey salad sandwich. Yummy for my tummy.
After sandwiches the second and third day, we’re pretty “turkyed” out. I like to find ways to use him without it seeming like “turkey again! Sigh.”
Leftover Turkey Pot Pie
Turkey pot pie is one of our favorites. You can use a basic pie crust or make biscuit dough and use that.
- I like to use biscuit dough because it makes a thick crust for the pot pie. I make up biscuit dough and spread it in the bottom and up the sides of my dutch oven.
- Then I mix the turkey with whatever leftovers or fresh veggies I want in the pie and top it off with another layer of biscuit dough.
- Bake for 30-45 minutes at 400 degrees and you have a “fresh” meal. I like one-pot-wonders!
Creamy Turkey Topping
My family likes me to make Creamy Turkey Topping.
- I start by making cream of mushroom soup.
- Then I chop up the turkey and add it to the soup then serve it over rice, or leftover dressing, or with bread, leftover sweet potato casserole, or just sweet potatoes.
Bonus Leftover Turkey Use
Of course, there is always the good old standby: Turkey soup. I make turkey soup “IF” I have any turkey left on the fourth day after Thanksgiving. This uses up anything that may have been wasted otherwise. If it makes a large pot of soup, I freeze or can it for later.
I hope this helps give you some ideas on what to do with that leftover bird. What are some of your favorite ways to use your leftover turkey?

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