We’ve lost much of the old-timey wisdom of our ancestors which helped them overcome the hardships they encountered in living the self-sufficient lifestyle. The many health benefits of cinnamon made it a part of their medicine cabinet as well as the spice shelf. But this is only true of real cinnamon. Discover the benefits and what is true cinnamon.

My grandmother kept cinnamon and honey mixed together in a bowl. We thought it was simply a biscuit topping or a treat we got to get a spoon of every now and then.
Turns out true cinnamon, is a natural food offering an abundance of health benefits which we all need to live a vibrant, naturally healthy, self-sustaining lifestyle.
But is it as easy as going to your local grocery store and picking up a jar?
Yes and no…. Let me share with you what you need to know before you make your decision.
Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Not All Cinnamon is Created Equal
You have to specifically look for true cinnamon. This can be confusing for most people because there is Ceylon (true cinnamon) and Cassia.
Ceylon is sweeter and much healthier than what’s sold at the local grocery store which is usually Cassia. Cassia is harvested from the bark of evergreen trees including c. cassia and Cinnamomum in China and Indonesia. Ceylon is native to Sri Lanka and is harvested from the bark of a small tree called c. verum.
They’re harvested in different ways and although they may seem similar, they’re very different when it comes to your body and its health.
Harvesting Celyon

Ceylon is harvested twice a year as soon as the rainy seasons are over. First, farmers cut the smaller shoots, cover them and leave them to ferment. Once the Ceylon is fermented, the outer bark is stripped off.
Next, the soft inner bark is rubbed and peeled away from the small shoots. Workers stack the bark together in layers.
As these layers dry, they roll up together forming cinnamon sticks. Ceylon sticks or quills kind of look like tightly rolled cigars. These sticks will look full whereas the cassia sticks are hollow looking.
Ground Ceylon is made from the older, lower portion of the tree since it’s the more flavorful portion of the tree.

Harvesting Cassia
Cassia Cinnamon is harvested by using branches and even entire trees instead of the small shoots and outer bark as with Ceylon cinnamon. Once the whole branch is removed, the outer bark is peeled away and sold in unprocessed chunks.
With the outer bark removed, the inner bark curls up forming a quill. The quill or stick of Cassia looks different than Ceylon so you can easily tell the two types of sticks apart. Cassia sticks are darker and thicker than Ceylon and they look like a single sheet of bark curled up.
Another quick visual guide is to look at them from the end. Ceylon sticks will be full looking while Cassia sticks will look hollow as you’ll be able to see all the way through them. They are similar in that ground Cassia cinnamon is also made from the lower bark of the tree.
Health Benefits
- Ceylon cinnamon is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body and has been shown to be effective in treating conditions like arthritis.
- It is also a natural pain reliever. If you are suffering from a headache or muscle pain, try taking a teaspoon in a little honey and see how quickly it works!
- It is rich in antioxidants, which are substances that protect your cells from damage. Antioxidants can help neutralize harmful toxins and free radicals in the body, helping to prevent or delay cell damage.
- Cinnamon and honey, when combined are the perfect respiratory antibiotic. I keep a pint jar of raw, organic honey with two tablespoons of Ceylon mixed in with it.
- When we have a sinus issue, a cough, runny nose, anything respiratory, we start taking a teaspoon a day. It has helped relieve symptoms, calm coughs, and reduce the length of colds and flus.
- This delicious spice is also good for your digestion. It can help to soothe an upset stomach and relieve indigestion. If you are constipated, it can also help to increase your bowel movements.
- Ceylon cinnamon is also known for its blood sugar-lowering properties. If you have diabetes or prediabetes, it can help to improve your blood sugar levels.
- Cinnamon has also been shown to reduce cholesterol levels and triglycerides.
- It may also have neuroprotective effects and could help improve memory and cognitive function. Additionally, cinnamon has been shown to boost mood and fight depression.
This is just a short list and brief explanation of the many benefits of taking it every day.
Ways to Add Cinnamon in Your Diet
There are many ways to incorporate it into your diet in order to take advantage of its health benefits. Your own imagination is the limit.
You can add it to your morning oatmeal or cereal, sprinkle it on top of yogurt or fruit, add it to your morning smoothie or stir it into coffee or tea. You can also use it in savory dishes like curries, stews, and marinades. No matter how you choose to eat it, cinnamon is a delicious way to improve your health!
Don’t just take my word for it, here is Dr. Axe in a short video telling us about the health benefits of Cinnamon and why we should be using it as part of our daily lives.
If the region your cinnamon grows in is important to you, make sure you purchase cinnamon from distributors who label the type of cinnamon being sold.
Not all cinnamons are labeled either Ceylon or Cassia, particularly as the two are not only sold interchangeably, they are also sometimes mixed. Those companies which do label theirs Ceylon or Cassia typically also give the origin of the spice.
I order my Ceylon cinnamon from Mountain Rose Herbs and no, I’m not an affiliate. I choose to order from them because of their standards of business, quality of products, and their focus on sustainability.
Do you love the taste of cinnamon? This delicious spice has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. Ceylon is true cinnamon that is high in antioxidants and has many health benefits.
Only Ceylon offers the many health benefits of cinnamon. It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and is prized for its healing properties. Ceylon, also known as “true” cinnamon, is the highest quality and most expensive type of cinnamon. It’s made from the inner bark of a tropical evergreen tree native to Sri Lanka.
As you can see, Ceylon cinnamon has many health benefits that make it worth adding to your diet. Not only does it taste delicious, but it can also help improve your overall health and well-being. So add it to your health cabinet today and start reaping the benefits!
As always, we’re here to help.

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